

Goldie Hawn Explains The Timezones

Goldie Hawn makes it easy to understand the reason behind the existence of timezones. ;-) This short clip is from a US show ("Laugh In") in which Goldie appeared regularly from 1968 to 19...

Egypt reintroduces Daylight Saving Time

Egypt ist going to switch to DST on Midnight the 15th/16th of May 2014. After abolishing DST since it has been used last in 2010, the cabinet spokesman, Hossam El-Qweish, now announced that not onl...

Libya does not switch back to standard time

In a last-minute decision the Libyan government decided not to switch back to standard time this year. Hence the scheduled switch is void and Libya will remain on standard time until further notice...

On Sunday Morocco is going to suspend DST for the duration of Ramadan

As Morocco officially observes Ramadan, it suspends daylight saving time (DST) , beginning Sunday until the 10th of August 2 a.m. The country will resume DST on that day until its official end on S...

Daylight Saving Time in Iran starts on Friday

On Friday night, the 22nd of March 2013 at 00:00 a.m. the clocks will turned forward by one hour to 01:00 a.m. For more information about the country please click on Iran.

Daylight Saving Time ends in the US, Canada and the Carribean

Sunday (4th of November 2012) marks the end of Daylight Saving Time in the US, Canada, Bermuda, Bahamas, Hait, Turks and Caicos Islands and in parts of Mexico. The clock will be turned back by one ...

Jordan does not switch back to regular time in 2012!

As many of you have probably noticed over the weekend, the date for the end of daylight saving time (DST) in our database for Jordan has been set to the 25th of October 2013. The reason being that...

End of Daylight Saving Time in 53 countries and regions of the world.

The upcoming weekend marks the end of daylight saving time in almost all of Europe (except Iceland, Belarus and Russia). Altogether 53 countries turn back their clock by one hour. The first country...

This weekend: Beginning of daylight saving time in Brazil and Fiji.

Brazil and Fiji change their clocks due to daylight saving time this weekend. Because of their location in the southern hemisphere, this marks the beginning of daylight saving time, rather than the...

Daylight Saving Time in Iran ends on Thursday

At midnight on Thursday the Daylight Saving Time ends in Iran. The clocks will be moved back one hour to 11 p.m. Please click the link for more information: Local time in Iran