

Unit Converter

Our units converter allows you to convert a number of measurement units. If you feel there is something missing or not working properly or you would like to praise or criticize us - shoot, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Above you find a list of the available converters and its units.

Happy converting!

  • Time Unit Converter

    The time unit converter allows you to convert the units of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, normal years with 365 days, leap years with 366 days and average years.

  • Length Unit Converter

    The length unit converter allows you to convert the units of millimeter, centimeter, decimeter, meter, kilometer, inch, foot, yard, miles, sea mile, micrometer, nanometer and angstrom.

  • Temperature Unit Converter

    The temperature unit converter allows you to convert the units of celsius, fahrenheit, kelvin and reaumur.

  • Surface Unit Converter

    The surface unit converter allows you to convert the units of quare centimeter, square meter, Are, hectare, square kilometer , square inch, square foot, square yard, acres and square miles.

  • Weight Unit Converter

    The weight unit converter allows you to convert the units of milligram, gram, kilogram, metric ton, grain, carat, ounce, pound, quarter, Stone, Short hundredweight, long hundredweight and long tons.

  • Volume Unit Converter

    The volume unit converter allows you to convert the units of cubic centimeter, liter, hectoliter, cubic meter, cubic kilometer, Barrel (US), Barrel (UK), cubic inch, cubic foot, cubic yard, Registertonne, cubic mile, barrel of oil (us), barrel of oil (uk), US pint, UK pint, US Quart, Uk Quart, US Gallone, UK Gallone and Ster.

  • Power Unit Converter

    The power unit converter allows you to convert the units of milliwatt, watt, Pferdestärke, kilowatt, megawatt, Barrel (US) and Horsepower.

  • Frequency Unit Converter

    The frequency unit converter allows you to convert the units of hertz, kilohertz, gigahertz and fresnel.

  • Energy Unit Converter

    The energy unit converter allows you to convert the units of Joule, calorie, kilojoule, kilocalorie and kilowatt hour.

  • Force Unit Converter

    The force unit converter allows you to convert the units of Pond, Newton, Kilopond/Kilogram force, Kilonewton, Dyn, Poundal, Ounce force and Pound force.

  • Compression Unit Converter

    The compression unit converter allows you to convert the units of millibar/hectopascal, pounds per square inch, bar, atmosphere, torr and kilogram-force per square meter.

  • Density Unit Converter

    The density unit converter allows you to convert the units of kilogram per cubic meter, kilogram per liter, pound per cubic yard, pound per cupic foot, long ton per kubikyard and pound per cubic inch.

  • Candlepower Unit Converter

    The candlepower unit converter allows you to convert the units of candela, candle, hefnercandle and violle.

  • Luminance Unit Converter

    The candlepower unit converter allows you to convert the units of candela per cubic centimeter, candela per cubic meter, lambert, footlambert, candela per cubic inch, candela per cubic foot and apostilb.

  • Rotation Unit Converter

    The candlepower unit converter allows you to convert the units of revolutions per second, revolutions per minute, revolutions per kilometer, grad per second, grad per minute, rad per second, rad per minute and rad per hour.

  • Illumination Unit Converter

    The illumination unit converter allows you to convert the units of Lux, Footcandle, lumen per cubical inch and watt per cubic meter.

  • Radioactivity Unit Converter

    The radioactivity unit converter allows you to convert the units of becquerel, rutherford, millicurie and curie.

  • IT-Speed Unit Converter

    The IT-Speed unit converter allows you to convert the units of bits per second, kilobits per second, megabits per second, bytes per second, kilobytes per second, kilobytes per minute and megabytes per minute.