
Flag East (Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Espirito Santo, Goias, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo)

East (Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Espirito Santo, Goias, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo)

Current local time:


Time Zone

Timezone Title: America/Sao_Paulo
Brazil Time (BRT)
Timezone DST Title: Brazil Summer Time (BRST)
Next DST: There is no DST in this country
All daylight saving time changes
Standard UTC Offset: -3:00 Hours
Actual UTC Offset: -3:00 Hours
Actual Offset MEZ: -4:00 Hours
Calendar week (European standard): 08

Country Info

Language: Portugese
Capital: Brasília
Size: 8,511,965 km²
Currency: Real (BRL)
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Kfz: BR
Tld: .br
Fon: + 55
Isoname: BR
Population: 201,103,330
Neighbour countries: Suriname; Peru; Bolivia; Uruguay; Guyana; Paraguay; French Guiana; Venezuela; Colombia; Argentina


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Travel info

Best time of year for a holiday:

Due to its size, its hard to a identify "best time" for a trip to Brazil. The country can be divided in four climatic zones:

The Amazon Basin:

As the Amazon Basin is characterized by an equatorial climate, the variation in temperature are comparatively minor. Furthermore, there is not really a dry season, hence you should expect rainfall of varying strength throughout the year.

Due to the high humidity, the wheather tends to be a bit on the unpleasant side and if at all, the most pleasant conditions are roughly from June to September.

The Brazilian Plateau:

The Brazilian Plateau is characterized by very varying climatic conditions. The higher the altitude, the lower the temperatures. Unlike the Amazon Basin, there is a rainy season, which roughly lasts from October to April. The temperatures tend to rather stable with pleasantly cool nights.

The Coastal Regions:

This area is mostly characterized by a very warm to hot tropical climate. However, due to its vast dimension from the far North to the far South, the conditions do vary depending on where you are.

The North tends to be rainier than the South with a peak in precipitation from December to May.

The South tends to have that peak from November to April.

The temperatures are pleasant throughout the year with a refreshing coastal breeze.

The South:

The South is the area in Barzil with the most pronounced seasons. Hence, May to October are the best months for a trip to the South. The wheather is pleasantly warum during that time. In winter it can get quite cool, especially at night. Snow, however, is still a very rare exception.

Arrival and departure information for airports in Brazil

Do you have to organize the airport pickup of a business partner? Is your family returning from a holiday? Are you taking a flight and would like to check your departure time?

Our partner Flight Information System is providing timezone.de-users with up-to-date information on arrivals and departures of airports from around the world.

Please click on the airports of Brazil (Belem, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Campinas, Cuiaba, Curitiba, Florianopolis, Fortaleza, Goiania, Manaus, Natal, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Sao Paulo and Vitoria) to access information like arrival and departure times, airport phone numbers and much more.

Have a good flight!