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Time Zone

Timezone Title: Europe/Berlin
Central European Time/Mitteleuropäische Zeit (CET/MEZ)
Timezone DST Title: Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit/Central European Summer Time (MESZ/CEST/CEDT)
Next DST 2025: 30.03.2025 02:00 till 26.10.2025 03:00
Next DST 2026: 29.03.2026 02:00 till 25.10.2026 03:00
All daylight saving time changes
Standard UTC Offset: +1:00 Hour
Actual UTC Offset: +1:00 Hour
Actual Offset MEZ: 0:00 Hours
Calendar week (European standard): 13

Country Info

Language: French
Capital: Paris
Size: 547,030 km²
Currency: Euro (EUR)
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Kfz: F
Tld: .fr
Fon: + 33
Isoname: FR
Population: 64,768,389
Neighbour countries: Switzerland; Germany; Belgium; Luxembourg; Italy; Andorra; Monaco; Spain



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Travel info


230 V, 50 Hz

Best time of year for a holiday:

France is a great country to travel to. A memorable holiday is possible in almost any part of the country.

Paris being among the top destinations, of course. The best time for a trip to the French capital is from April to October. Be prepared however, that the City of Love can be quite crowded any time of the year and especially so in summer. If you plan to shop at one of the more famous malls, such as the Galeries Lafayette, for example, be prepared to have plenty of time. Especially the shops of luxury brands tend to so full, particularly with Asians lately, you would think that they are handing out the merchandise for free.

Oh, and if you feel like having some great ice cream and some of the best hot chocolate in the world try the shops and cafés on Rue Saint-Louis en l'Íle on Íle Saint Louis in the very heart of Paris - simply to die for. My favorite used to be La Charlotte De L'Isle. It is still great, but since Charlotte has left, not as cozy and "chocolaty" anymore. Still worth a visit, though.

The coastal regions of France such as the Atlantic coast are best visited in Summer, whereas the Mediterranean coast is quite pleasant from March to October.

Skiing is an option, too, of course. The Alps and the Pyrenees offer splendid conditions from December to March (sometimes even until April).

Arrival and departure information for airports in France

Do you have to organize the airport pickup of a business partner? Is your family returning from a holiday? Are you taking a flight and would like to check your departure time?

Our partner Flight Information System is providing timezone.de-users with up-to-date information on arrivals and departures of airports from around the world.

Please click on the airports of France (Beauvais, Biarrizz, Bordeaux, Brest, Carcassone, Clairmont, Grenoble, Lille, Limoges, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Nantes, Nice, Paris, Pau, Perpignan, Rennes, Strasbourg, Tarbes, Toulon und Toulouse) to access information like arrival and departure times, airport phone numbers and much more.

Have a good flight!