Timezone Title: | Europe/Berlin Central European Time/Mitteleuropäische Zeit (CET/MEZ) |
Timezone DST Title: | Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit/Central European Summer Time (MESZ/CEST/CEDT) |
Next DST 2025: |
30.03.2025 02:00 till 26.10.2025 03:00 |
Next DST 2026: |
29.03.2026 02:00 till 25.10.2026 03:00 |
All daylight saving time changes |
Standard UTC Offset: | +1:00 Hour |
Actual UTC Offset: | +1:00 Hour |
Actual Offset MEZ: | 0:00 Hours |
Calendar week (European standard): | 08 |
Language: | Catalan |
Capital: | Andorra la Vella |
Size: | 468 km² |
Currency: | Euro (EUR) |
Convert Currency | |
Kfz: | AND |
Tld: | .ad |
Fon: | + 376 |
Isoname: | AD |
FIPS Code: | AN |
Population: | 84,000 |
Neighbour countries: | Spain; France |
220 V AC, 50 Hz.
Andorra is a great place to visit, no matter what time of year. Depending on your personal preference, you will find it ideal for either a summer or winter holiday.
Hikers as well lovers of nature will find that Andorra is a very rewarding destination.
Generally, the weather is characterized by a very temperate mountain climate. The average temperature in January is at 2°C, compared to 19°C in July.