Timezone Title: | Europe/Berlin Central European Time/Mitteleuropäische Zeit (CET/MEZ) |
Timezone DST Title: | Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit/Central European Summer Time (MESZ/CEST/CEDT) |
Next DST 2025: |
30.03.2025 02:00 till 26.10.2025 03:00 |
Next DST 2026: |
29.03.2026 02:00 till 25.10.2026 03:00 |
All daylight saving time changes |
Standard UTC Offset: | +1:00 Hour |
Actual UTC Offset: | +1:00 Hour |
Actual Offset MEZ: | 0:00 Hours |
Calendar week (European standard): | 08 |
Language: | English |
Capital: | Gibraltar |
Size: | 6.5 km² |
Currency: | Pound (GIP) |
Convert Currency | |
Kfz: | GBZ |
Tld: | .gi |
Fon: | + 350 |
Isoname: | GI |
FIPS Code: | GI |
Population: | 27,884 |
220/240 V, 50 Hz
Spring and autumn are ideal for a visit to Gibraltar as the the summer tends to be very hot and humid, whereas the winter is rather wet with an average rain of ten days per month.
Gibraltar is a popular tourist destination due to its impressive landscape ("The Rock") and tempting shopping opportunities - everything is VAT free! Furthermore, Gibraltar is also a popular mediterranean destination for cruise ships.