Timezone Title: | America/Godthab West Greenland Time (WGT) |
Timezone DST Title: | West Greenland Summer Time (WGST) |
Next DST 2025: |
29.03.2025 23:00 till 26.10.2025 00:00 |
Next DST 2026: |
28.03.2026 23:00 till 25.10.2026 00:00 |
All daylight saving time changes |
Standard UTC Offset: | -2:00 Hours |
Actual UTC Offset: | -2:00 Hours |
Actual Offset MEZ: | -3:00 Hours |
Calendar week (European standard): | 08 |
Language: | Greenlandic, Danish |
Capital: | Nuuk |
Size: | 2,166,086 km² |
Currency: | Krone (DKK) |
Convert Currency | |
Kfz: | GRO |
Tld: | .gl |
Fon: | + 299 |
Isoname: | GL |
FIPS Code: | GL |
Population: | 56,375 |
220 V, 50 Hz
Generally speaking, the further North you go in Greenland the colder and dryer it gets. The summer in Greenland is rather short, usually lasting from June to September only. Even during that time the average highs rarely go beyond 10°C (50°F).