Timezone Title: | Africa/Maputo Central Africa Time (CAT) |
Next DST: |
There is no DST in this country All daylight saving time changes |
Standard UTC Offset: | +2:00 Hours |
Actual UTC Offset: | +2:00 Hours |
Actual Offset MEZ: | +1:00 Hour |
Calendar week (European standard): | 08 |
Language: | French, Kirundi |
Capital: | Bujumbura |
Size: | 27,830 kmĀ² |
Currency: | Franc (BIF) |
Convert Currency | |
Kfz: | RU |
Tld: | .bi |
Fon: | + 257 |
Isoname: | BI |
FIPS Code: | BY |
Population: | 9,863,117 |
Neighbour countries: | Tanzania; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Rwanda |