
Flag Iceland


Current local time:


Time Zone

Timezone Title: Atlantic/Reykjavik
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Next DST: There is no DST in this country
All daylight saving time changes
Standard UTC Offset: 0:00 Hour
Actual UTC Offset: 0:00 Hour
Actual Offset MEZ: -1:00 Hour
Calendar week (European standard): 04

Country Info

Language: Icelandic
Capital: Reykjavík
Size: 103,000 km²
Currency: Krona (ISK)
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Kfz: IS
Tld: .is
Fon: + 354
Isoname: IS
Population: 308,910



Travel info

Best time of year for a holiday:

June to September present themselves as the best time to visit the volcanic island. Yet even during those months the average daily highs rarely venture beyond 14 °C (57°F).

If that does not scare you off, and it should not, you will be rewarded by an unforgettable experience. Iceland has a bit of a rough charme and you will certainly not be bored. The natural sights are simply great and the sunset probably some of the most impressive in the world.

The winter in Iceland can be rather cold and you should prepare accordingly. You can expect lots of snow and thus ideal conditions for skiing, for example. With more than 90 ski-lifts, the country is a real alternative for a somewhat different winter holiday. Enjoy!

Arrival and departure information for airports in Iceland

Do you have to organize the airport pickup of a business partner? Is your family returning from a holiday? Are you taking a flight and would like to check your departure time?

Our partner Flight Information System is providing timezone.de-users with up-to-date information on arrivals and departures of airports from around the world.

Please click on the airport of Reykjavik in Iceland to access information like arrival and departure times, airport phone numbers and much more.

Have a good flight!